Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Facebook and Pinterest and Promises

About two weeks ago, I finally gave in and decided to search out Pinterest. I've been hearing SO much about it for a few months now, but kept telling myself that I don't need something else to suck up all my time.

Facebook has done that quite adequately for the time that I've had it. I slowly find myself phasing out of Facebook, though. There's too much drama and so much time wasted. Why do I feel the need to keep up on everyone's lives? Facebook isn't even about everyone's lives anymore either. Its mostly trash. I get so tired of reading the same old, "I need a boyfriend." "My friends don't want to go to the bar with me." "College/school sucks." etc. I think the wife/mommy-soon-to-be side has just grown out of Facebook and the people on there and come to revolve around my immediate family. I want to do something productive. I want to feel like I'm actually doing something with my time instead of stalking everyone's statuses and finding out things that I don't care about or don't care to know.

Facebook even depresses me at times, I think. It makes me think about the way things used to be, people I used to be friends with, mistakes I've made, etc. I wouldn't change my life for anything- I am beyond happy and content where I am, but I feel Facebook drags me down- A LOT. It makes me sad for our society. It makes me feel bogged down as a person. It even makes me jealous of other people at times. I've prayed about it and decided to keep my Facebook page for now, because I know there are people on there that care to know how I'm doing and how things are turning out for me and stuff like that and Facebook is the only way to keep in touch with them. So, I've begun the process of deleting people. It might be "mean" of me, but I'm past the point of caring, I guess. There were/are people on there who just have me to add to thier friend count. Well, see ya buddy. I've gone from almost 400 friends to 169 in just a few days and there are more still to go. Its kind of relieving in a way.

Anyways, I decided to check out Pinterest. I headed to the website and had to request an invited, since I didn't really know anyone on there to invite me. A couple of days later I got my invite. Ya know that feeling you get when you go to the new store in town for the first time and you're just not sure where the bathroom is? Yeah, it was like that at first. I've had Facebook for about 6 years, now. I'm too used to it. Pinterest was something all new to me, but just like finding the bathroom in the new store- once you find it, you remember where it is. Yeah, I'm a Pinterest beast now. I seriously am having a hard time dragging myself away from it. I've even gotten my mom, husband, sisters, and a few friends to join and I'm seriously digging it. And I'm finding that it is fueling my desire to do something worth my time. Its encouraging me to use the gifts and abilities that God has given me- I know that they are there; its inspiring me that I CAN do it.

With my baby boy almost here, I think part of my worries stem from losing who I am/who I want to be. Its not so much that I'm worried about my identity and personality, but I'm worried about being an uncool, boring mom who never does anything fun with him. I'm a laid back person. I like to read. I like the quiet. I like naps. I like to cuddle. I don't want our kid to grow up and think that I don't like to do things with him. I just feel so out of it right now and feel like I've lost some of my fun-ness and spontanaeity as I've grown older. I want to get some of that back. I want to make things with him, do things, go places, spur on his own creativity and fun-loving side.

I am trying to make a promise to myself, to do things to make me become more of the person I am striving to be; to help me be the mother and wife I want to be and to create a more fun and creative atmosphere for my son and husband.

  1. I will do at least one crafty thing each week.
  2. I will make at least one new recipe each week.
  3. I will write at least one new blog post each week.

Maybe, I'll come with some more, but these are my ideas for right now.


  1. i totally get it! happy pinning and here's to actually getting around to all the crafty things we "pin" : P

  2. It's pretty hard to bore a baby! They'll laugh at the craziest simplest thing. I'm sure you're not that bad. Have you ever seen that YouTube video of the baby laughing at its dad tearing a sheet of paper? You have a good nine months to get interesting, at least.
