Monday, February 20, 2012

Week 2, snuggle-time, and ramblings like that

I'm laying on my couch, writing on my phone, waiting for Fred to get home from work. Max is sleeping on my chest- this is becoming our norm, but that's okay. I'm always up for some snuggle time.

Today, begins my second week of mommy-hood at home. Still loving it. Thankfully, he's been a pretty easy baby so far. A schedule has finally kicked in somewhat, feeding and changing wise.
Last week, I was having to wake him up every two hours to eat, because he would just sleep the day away (just like his mom and dad ;-P.) Now, he's waking up on his own.

He slept in his crib for four whole hours on Friday night. It was nice to be able to snuggle up with Fred for the first time in months, without little man being between us- at least while it lasted. He woke up at 3 am, needing to be changed and fed, and ended up in bed with us. I don't mind, though.

I wasn't able to get up until almost 1 pm, today. Max wanted to nurse pretty much all morning. Everytime he'd finish and fall sleep, I'd try to get up and he'd start fussing for more. Finally, he was full. I laid him in his crib, snuck out to the living room and finally ate. When I finished eating, I peeked in and he was still sleeping. I decided to weigh myself on the Wii Fit- down 30 lbs. already! Woot woot! And then I did all the dishes and went through all the hospital paperwork and then my two hours were up.
Right on the dot, he started fussing. So I changed his diaper, nursed again, and here we've been since. Yes, he's sleeping and there's so many other things I could be doing, but that pile of laundry will still need to be moved to the hamper, that trash will still need to be taken out, the remotes will still need to be located- it will all still be there waiting- but this time with Max won't. So, I'll suck it up while I can.

I still find myself marveling at him constantly. I can barely keep my eyes off of him. The three of us were laying in bed on Saturday morning; Max was still sleeping and Fred and I lay there whispering to each other and gazing at our son. "Can you believe he was just the size of an apple seed when I found out I was pregnant?" I asked him.

I definitely can't.

Looking at Max now, I wonder to myself, how did he even fit into my belly?

I've officially turned into a huge sap, too. My mother-in-law bought us a little book called "You Are My I Love You" and read it, and I seriously had to sneak a finger up to my eye to wipe a tear before it fell.

Sometimes, I just sit here, staring at Max and I start getting all weepy. About the simplest things. His fingers seem a little longer already. He gets a huge, goofy grin like his dad's when he's sleeping. He makes eye contact with me and holds it. He reaches out in his sleep for me, grabs my shirt, and tries to get closer to me. I sing a song to him and it ceases his fussing. He peeks an eye open while sleeping on my chest to make sure that I'm still there.

Like I said, the simplest things.

I seriously love my little chunkster, even if he just thinks I'm a mattress with a milk supply. That's what he needs me to be for now. ;-)

And its worth it. Every second.

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