Tuesday, January 24, 2012

starting again?

Its been a while since I blogged last. I had my xanga blog going good for a while, blogging about being engaged and the wedding prep and stuff, but when you move out of your parent's home to a 1 bedroom apartment with your new husband and have no internet, you kinda just phase out for a while, I guess.

I've always liked journaling and writing out my thoughts, but when you have so many... it can get overwhelming. Not gonna lie, though- when I found out that blogspot has a smart phone app, it kind of sold me on trying again.


Anyways, I'm about to become a mother... well, I technically am already if you think about it. Ya know, being 38 weeks pregnant and all. Within the next few weeks, my first child will be here. In my arms. In our apartment. Our baby. A whole other person to take care of... Can you say terrified? Yeah, I think that's the word that best describes my emotions at the moment. Excited? Yes. Nervous? Yes. Terrified? More than I ever thought I could be.

It doesn't seem too long ago that I was counting down to our wedding day. February 4th, 2010, Fred asked me to be his wife. Almost 2 years ago, now. And now, the countdown to our baby is almost finished. How is that possible? Seriously. 14 days?! WHAT?!

I'm not quite ready for this... Shh, don't tell anyone that.

More to come eventually,
 ...I hope.

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