Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Catching up and a photo bomb.

There's something I have to add to my to-do list this week...

###Pick up a journal and start writing things down!

I think about stuff and experience new things and make new memories everyday of the week, but by the time I have enough time to blog about stuff, so that I can remember it in years to come and share it with others and one day let Max (and any other kids by then) read about these days gone by, its all gone anyways. I get little flash backs, but that's about it. I can't remember every detail that I wanted to write.

So, that's what I need to do.

I did something the other day that I have been swearing to myself I would never do. Something, that since I've been old enough to dress myself, I told myself was dumb and laughed in the face of anyone that even suggested it for any reason, especially my mom.

Wanna know what I did?

...I tucked my shirt into my pants.

Shh. Don't tell anyone. ;-)

I had to chuckle to myself when I glanced in the mirror as I walked past. Max in one arm, laundry basket in the other tucked on my hip, hair a mess, shirt tucked in, etc. I looked like a mom. Oh, wait. I am one, now.

Wanna know what the absolute most adorable thing in the whole entire world is? I mean THE cutest thing you could ever think of?

Max's giggle. <3 Seriously, it is.

I was holding him while he was sleeping the other day, and he literally started cracking up in his sleep for like, 10 seconds or more. I don't know, I lost track of time watching and listening to him. It was the most magical thing I've ever heard. I started to cry and I cannot wait to hear that noise again. I joked that he was dreaming about his goofy day. His dad never fails to make me laugh. That's part of why I love Fred so much and in turn, Max, now, too.

Oh, Fred got a cell phone. Now, he texts me from the other end of the couch. One night last week, Max went to bed pretty early and we stayed up. And what did we do? Played each other on Draw Something and Words With Friends. Oh, how our relationship has evolved. ;-)

I can't think of many other things, so I'm going to copy some of my facebook status highlights to help jog my memory, since they'll be pretty impossible to find years from now, let alone next year.

  • March 10th, 2012-
"Fred is just rocking out to Kelly Clarkson's "Stronger" in the car. Ha-larious!"
Seriously. He was. We ran to the store while my family watched Max. It was nice to get away just the two of us. It wasn't much of a date, but spending time with just him and goofing off was fun. Of course the date included McDonald's drive-thru for lunch. ;-)
Not to mention, the three of us slept in that morning. We all just snuggled in bed. It was awesome. I'm so glad Max likes to snuggle. He's my kind of kid.
  • March 9th, 2012-
"Coming home from Fred's parents and Fred slows way down all of a sudden. 'Deer,' he says. 'Deer in the field.' Yeah, babe. Those are rocks. Haha."

I don't really need to elaborate on this too much. There were big gray boulders in a field and Fred, honest to God, thought they were deer. I serenaded him with my own version of "Rock Lobster" by the B-52's for the rest of the ride home. I dubbed it "Rock Bambies." :-)

  • March 5th, 2012-
"Ugh, I'm just having one of THOSE kind of days. Ya know, the ones where you're still in your pajamas, hair is a mess, baby won't let you put him down and if you do he won't stop crying, cats won't stop whatever it is they're doing, apartments falling apart around you in its disgraceful state, and absolutely nothing is getting done? Yeah, that kind of day. :-/"

This day was literally THE worst day since Max was born. I was so overwhelmed and everything was piling up. Dishes from the last week were sitting in the sink "soaking", because that is Fred's interpretation of doing the dishes; laundry, clean and dirty, was laying all over the place, because unless I put the clean away or pick the dirty up, it doesn't get done; stuff like that. Literally, our apartment is falling apart around me and I couldn't do anything. Alot of my problem this day was because my poor Pheobe had a bad reaction to a flea collar and as a result got a huge bald spot on her neck that turned into an open wound that got infected. Poor girl was hiding in secluded spaces as much as she could and Phineas kept trying to pester her and I couldn't do anything to help her because I was glued to the couch with a fussy baby. My mom ended up coming over that night to help me give her a bath and put medicine on her. Thankfully, its getting better.
  • February 28th, 2012-
"I seriously find it hilarious when Max finishes eating, pulls his milk covered face away, wipes his hand across his mouth, and lets out the most contented sigh. It gets me EVERY single time!"
  • February 23rd, 2012-
"You know what makes for a great morning? When your pre- pregnancy jeans fit even better now than they did before you were pregnant. Aw, yeah!"

Yeah... It really does. I was be-bopping all around in my jeans. Its a good feeling.

That's about all my mommy brain can come up with right now...


Max is a whole month old, now. So crazy. Its flying by too quickly.

Some pictures from the last two weeks.

Smirking in his sleep. The little rascal.

My moby wrap= lifesaver!!!

I let Fred dress him that day...

The most adorable feet on the face of this earth.

My favorite picture of my boys. <3

His eyelashes are long, just like his daddy's.


Something I need to remember.
And never forget.

1 comment:

  1. Well, Max did make a visit to Auntie Jen's and was the first MALE in her room in YEARS. (:

    You tucked your jeans in, oh my, I really hope I never ever end up like that. Okay, some of those really should make it in a scrap book, just saying.
